Psy Ops and The Word of God
Revelation 1:1-3
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants — things which must shortly take place. And He sent and signified it by His angel to His servant John, who bore witness to the word of God, and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, to all things that he saw. Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near. NKJV
In my day of course, it was a former violent prisoner called ‘Fred Lemon’ who claimed that he had a life changing encounter with the risen Lord Jesus Christ, whilst in his cell in Dartmoor prison I believe. Now then, there is no question that God can do whatever He wants, and that includes appearing to people in dreams, in visions, and in Person even in the 20th and 21st centuries.
Maybe it is just with the advent of social media, I don’t know, but I hear more and more about the Lord Jesus Christ appearing in dreams speaking to Muslims in such a way that they find Christ as their Savior and convert to Christianity. Of course social media is also full of testimonies of similar dreams and visitations from the deity of Islam toward various backslidden Muslims, Christian missionaries, and even secular atheists, who in turn are then led to convert to Islam. If I was cynical, I would say the propaganda and psychological wars are heating up a little bit!
Now let me say this, it would appear that everybody who meets the Lord Jesus Christ in a dream gets saved! Therefore, if God so loved the world and wants to see everybody come to a knowledge of Him, then it seems obvious that the easiest way to do this and certainly for God this would be no problem, would simply be to carry out global dream evangelism where Christ Himself personally would appear to the nonbeliever, the unbeliever, and thoroughly save him. Surely, this is the very best form of evangelism? If, however, this dream visitation of evangelism from Jesus Christ to the global community would diminish Him in any way, then the vast amount of angelic beings, who instantaneously perform His bidding, could in turn carry out mass global dream and angelic visitation evangelism! Either of these two options are of course the very best way to evangelize a perishing world. I wonder why He is not doing it? Even so, my problem with this obvious methodology of totally successful Evangelism is in fact threefold:
First of all, dare I say it, Jesus Christ is not doing a very good job of global dream evangelism at the moment and neither are His servants the angels, for out of nearly 7 billion people on the planet it would appear that it’s just a handful of, shall we say interesting folk, who get these divine visitations to be saved. Now, again for sure, God is Sovereign and can have mercy on whom He will have mercy. Even so, if His desire is that none should perish, then this assured methodology of delivering salvation is very poorly practiced and is totally underutilized.
Secondly, I also note that this form of direct visitation and dream evangelism appears to be even utilized by Christian cults, and non-Christian major world religions. Upon comparison of the two, it seems to be being utilized quite successfully by heretics! Consider Islam or maybe Mormonism to name but two, who both appear to be growing in an extraordinary way since their foundation through dreams and visitation and through the continual amount of small converts which come to them through the same means. Of course, if there is a long-lasting and global battle between light and darkness which is based upon truth or error then we can expect such subconscious and psychological warfare. Maybe that’s what this is?
Finally, I note that this kind of dream evangelism falls outside of the direct commands of the Lord Jesus Christ to preach the gospel to every creature, one human mouth to one human ear, one human heart to another human heart, and also that the foundation of all salvation is based upon a belief and confession of the received word of God.
Friends, I do not discount the fact that people of today may have valid dreams from the Lord, and visitations from angels, and even visits from Christ Himself. Neither do I discount the fact that people today may even today have the opportunity to ascend into the heavens and see the Lord seated upon His throne, for God can do whatever He pleases and can have mercy upon whom He will have mercy and bestow favor upon whoever He wishes. Nevertheless, the stories of similar visitations are not unique to Christianity.
However, and mark this well, highlight it, underscore it and get it tattooed on your right arm, the gospel of Jesus Christ is unique to Christianity. The word of God, upon which we base every ounce of our faith and belief is a blood bought document which we must eat and which we must know and which we must proclaim. Christian! Your faith is founded upon the written word of God, and without that, you have nothing!
So then, the amount of time you spend in the word of God, the amount of time you spend eating the word of God, the amount of time you spend singing the word of God, yes indeed, how much you know of it, how much you practice it, even how little you know of it, and how little you practice it, are all evidences of how much you truly appreciate your salvation and your God.
Maybe we need to stop dreaming, and start getting into the word of God and start proclaiming it to one and all, and then actually follow the commands of Jesus Christ by making disciples.
Listen:- He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. Revelation 19:13 NKJV
Pray: - Father, in dreams and visions speak even to me, even today. Father, in providences and the unseen and seen angelic visitations of Your ministering servants, comfort, direct and protect me, even today. But Oh my God! Give me such a hunger for Your Word that whether bitter or sweet, whether with smiles or with cries, aid me to consume it, for the betterment of my whole being and the glory of Your wonderful name. Amen and let it be so.

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