“I'll leave you. Everything is in order within me.”
2 Timothy 4:6-8 For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.
Strafed by four Stuka dive-bombers, whilst fleeing on foot from a successful raid, the Jewish soldier, mortally wounded in both the shoulder and abdomen, died thirteen hours later in the arms of his battle comrade, breathing out these last words before his departure: “I'll leave you. Everything is in order within me.” This French professor of philosophy was working in Tunisia at the outbreak of WWII. Re-assigned to Libya, after the signing of the French-German Armistice he quickly defected to then British-held Palestine to join the Free French forces gathered in that area. Volunteering for front line service, the reconstituting of various ‘bands of brothers’ eventually placed him, a trainee officer, with the rank of corporal in the Free French unit of the newly formed Special Air Service. This thoughtful, profitably philosophical and heavily decorated individual was killed on his fourth combat mission and buried three times: In the dessert; in Egypt and in the SAS War Memorial cemetery in his home country of France. Surely, a man buried three times might have at least three things to say to the living today? I think so.
First, this Philosopher, commenting on the war and both his part in it, and it in him, says: “I need not complain about the war. Because of her, I have had to learn to live through anything. Because of her, you could say I have benefited, very greatly benefited even, than that of the life that I have led without her. It is on the contrary peace, that is the situation, the career that had been artificial and dangerous for my progress……….” Here then is a man who testifies of the benefits of suffering. Here is a man who testifies of the treasures of conflict. Here is a man who can compare both war and peace and while longing for the latter, never the less, acknowledges the vitality of the vista he then presently viewed. He echoes the apostle Paul and his testimony to all of these on the front line of real spiritual conflict, who, should also take comfort in learning of the eternal benefits of involvement of such a warfare: “ Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” Romans 5:1-5
Secondly, this Philosopher, who would have lived longer in peace time but seemingly fuller in wartime, testified that he was ready for departure. For him, all temporal situations were as in order as they could be and I suspect that more importantly, all eternal preparations were in his heart and mind also in good order. He was ready to live and fight. He was ready to die. Are you?
The third thing that this thrice buried thinking man leaves us is his most audacious of prayers. His comrade in arms, you see, before burying the shattered body of André Louis Arthur Zirnheld, removed all personal effects from the corpse and out of the front heart pocket of the blood stained battle blouse he pulled a damp red piece of crumpled paper, the words of which have been adopted by many a band of special forces soldiers, and many a man of war who has finally stood alone with that direction changing board of decision made up of God Almighty, his own personal mortality and the definite glories to come from a life well spent. Maybe, in the prayer for today, you can make these same words yours?
Remember: ‘Who dares wins.’
Listen:-And see, now I go bound in the spirit to Jerusalem, not knowing the things that will happen to me there, except that the Holy Spirit testifies in every city, saying that chains and tribulations await me. But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God. "And indeed, now I know that you all, among whom I have gone preaching the kingdom of God, will see my face no more. Acts 20:22-25
Pray: - Father, help me neither to be stupid nor presumptuous. Father, help me not to invoke wisdom and preparation as excuses for disobedience and cowardice. Father, in all things help me to be obedient to the leadings of Your Holy Spirit and then Lord, as each step on the way is committed you in acknowledgement of our need and Your grace, direct our paths for Your glory and our safety in Jesus name, Amen and amen.
André Louis Arthur Zirnheld - French paratrooper, Free French Air Force, French Squadron, Special Air Service. [March 7, 1913 - June 27, 1942]
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John 3:28-30E You yourselves bear me witness, that I said, 'I am not the Christ,' but, 'I have been sent before Him.' He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom's voice. Therefore this joy of mine is fulfilled. He must increase, but I must decrease. NKJV
At the date of my writing, 2014, ‘Forced Marriage’ in England and Wales has now become a punishable crime. There is however, a great deal of difference between an arranged marriage and a forced marriage and certainly in the ancient near east, and therefore in the Bible, it was the duty of the Father to arrange a marriage for his son, yes, it was the duty and the privilege of the King to arrange a marriage, to procure a bride for His Prince. “The kingdom of heaven” says Jesus, “is like a certain king who arranged a marriage for his son,” Matthew 22:2 NKJV
Such an arranged marriage would have had a couple of Paranymphs floating around, one for the bride and one for the bridegroom, who would both be there to ensure the encouragement, safety, and smooth running of all things related to the bride and the groom of the wedding. The lately demised Western marriage ceremony once, even be it ever so poorly, reflected this in the presence of the Best man and his groomsmen, and the Maid of honor, or the Matron of honor, that Chief bridesmaid and her bridesmaids. That once majestic emblem of the union of Christ and His church has now received its final death blow and for now, the present manifestation of marriage now presents us with the stained white of a vomitarian monstrosity. The present offers us no true picture of that symbolic union, no, for these truer wedding pictures of a real mystical union, we now have to look to the past and look to the future.
The Scriptures consistently present the Church as the Bride of Christ, a chosen people betrothed to the Son of God. This is a great simplicity which has now become so corrupted, that we are, on the back of this corruption, and from the source of a very different spirit, now being presented with what is in effect another Christ and another Gospel. ( 2 Corinthians 11;1-4)
True ministers of the Gospel cannot make a marriage out of monstrosity. Let the devil have as many midnight ceremonies as he might, but the true ministers of light cannot get involved in this, and all who do, show themselves to be nothing but the blinded ministers of darkness, heretics, wolves in sheep’s clothing, emissaries of Satan, even though they tote a Bible and once called themselves Evangelical. True Christians must separate themselves from such dangerous compromiser's, from such prophets of darkness, from those repenter’s from the light, from those embracer's and therefore promoters of corrupting darkness. Come out from among them and be separate.
The promotion of unbiblical gender roles within the home and the local church, the acceptance of homosexuality as a legitimate lifestyle and along with it, the attempted forcing of the acceptance of same sex marriage has now finally split the church and separated the true believer from the charlatan. I say again then, let the devil have as many ceremonies as he will, but let the church be sanctified, let the church be holy, let the church be separate from any and all maligning of this so heavenly ‘type’, this marriage of one man to one woman, in enduring respect and sacrificial love.
John felt honored to be the friend of the groom. He was happy to be so. When you stand for Biblical marriage, know too that you are honored for being a friend of the groom. Rejoice in this. I say again, rejoice! All monstrous marriages, both taint and decrease the depicted glory of Christ which should enfold such a holy union. Decide today whether you shall increase spreading darkness or increase the light of Christ.
Listen:-Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. Revelation 21:2 NKJV
Pray: - Father, we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers and the rulers of the darkness of this age and of spiritual wickedness in high places. So then O Lord, be true to Your heart and to Your word, and bring them down our God, yes, bring them down to the pit, even to everlasting chains where they shall wait for the judgment of the great day. Amen and let it be so.
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Did you know that we are preaching from each of the 66 Books of the Holy Bible in the 66 Most Influential Cities of the 250 Nations of the World? That's 16,500 cities which will hear a solid prophetic message from each book of the Bible over the next 25 years! Do you want to be part of this? Then please go to www.66Cities.TV to find out how.
Matthew 25:26-30 "But his lord answered and said to him, 'You wicked and lazy servant, you knew that I reap where I have not sown, and gather where I have not scattered seed. So you ought to have deposited my money with the bankers, and at my coming I would have received back my own with interest. So take the talent from him, and give it to him who has ten talents. 'For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away. And cast the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.' NKJV
I am constructing today’s Bible Insight from inside the houses of the British Parliament, a place which is both bedecked and bejeweled with ancient Christianity and set in the very heart of a nation from which Christian missionaries were sent throughout the world. Across the nearby water, the increasingly barren united Christian wasteland of Europe is become but a singular and cold silver reflection of what is now Post Christian Britain, NOT postmodern but Post Christian. As a church, we are dying. We are dying quickly. Indeed, we are become the product of the Laodicean church writ large. We are Death. The vacuum of this hollow swart fly covered corpse of a once Christian Britain will not remain empty though, but rather, shall be replaced by another religion. This is the judgment of God upon us. How did this happen?
In my country the Christian church largely now does not really know the God of the Bible. Look you: to get to the strangers gallery in the house of Lords where I now sit listening to a debate around amendments’ to a passing bill on ‘same sex marriage’, a portion of which is regarding just what the union of homosexuals and lesbians should be called, ‘matrimony, marriage, espousal etc,’ I walked from the area of the house of commons and in the so doing, wandered past a statue of Richard the Lion heart, Oliver Cromwell with a sword drawn and a Bible in his hand, and inside, a vast portrait of Bishop Latimer fearlessly leaning out of his pulpit and publicly challenging King Edward VI of England with the word of God. Meanwhile, stood above my head, St Andrew of Scotland, St David of Wales, St Patrick of Ireland and St George of England, all four of the forgotten patron Saints of this disintegrating and festering little island that once ruled the world, still give testimony through the hangings of these blood bought walls, that we were once a Christian nation, a nation built on the Bible. How did we get here?
Well, we got here because unprofitable servants failed to faithfully and to faithfully proclaim the full counsel of God from His Holy Word, The Bible. Consequently, Adam and Steve are now getting married and ten thousand more sins besides fill our land. Everything in me says that we must get back to the God of the Bible and what Christians we have left here must right now get to the meat of the Word and not simply the milk. If we do not do this, then I wonder who will stand in the coming storms. Meanwhile, the not so noble Lords masticate upon the bitter nostril meat. Moving away from the faithful preaching of God’s Word, you see, has led to this unimaginable scene of what people call ‘same sex marriage.’ The Bible calls it abomination. The Bible calls it sin. How can we debate over this and why must we? So I ask again, “How did we get here?”We got here because unprofitable servants failed to faithfully and to faithfully proclaim the full counsel of God from His Holy Word, The Bible.
Today, it was Lord Waddington, rightly counteracting Lord Alli’s suggestion that the relaxation of divorce law in Spain led to a further abandonment of the institution of marriage by replying, “I am afraid that the noble Lord is wrong about that. It was certainly true that in Spain there was a relaxation in divorce at the time of the introduction of same-sex marriage, but I am talking about new marriages. There was a big decline in new marriages in Spain since the change came about. So it seems obvious that if marriage between same-sex couples is to be allowed, at the very least it should be made clear that it is very different from traditional marriage.” Lord Waddington had referred to some research by Dr Patricia Morgan who “had produced evidence to show that since gay marriage was introduced in Spain in 2005, the decline in heterosexual marriage has been precipitous. It has been just the same in Holland since 2001, and also in Scandinavia. There is not one example of this change going ahead and marriage increasing. The result has been exactly the opposite.”Do you see this my friend?
My ride home on the tube had me sitting across from a poster advertising an education day for professional and single women seeking motherhood without a man. The prestigious London sperm bank had over 10,000 vials of prestigious sperm ready for implantation. It seemed not only was marriage no longer necessary for parenting but neither was a man. How did we get here? We got here because unprofitable servants failed to faithfully and to faithfully proclaim the full counsel of God from His Holy Word, The Bible.
There is a famine in the land of the proclaimed word of God, even so, proclaimed food is still available if you want it. The internet, after all, still allows the dead to speak. For now. No, there is a famine, but the greater famine in the Land I suppose is a famine of desire. It seems that the people of God do not want meat. No, they want none of it. Unprofitable servants, professional single mothers as it were, it seems, without the Word of God have bred fools. Our nest is full of cuckoos. Let us test ourselves. Do we eagerly and sincerely desire the meat of the Word of God? If not, why not? Are we simply an inbred and unprofitable fool? Do we truly have God as our heavenly Father? If God is our Father, where is the honor due to His person, name and Word? Look around at the ruins and ask your self: How did we get here? I tell you, we got here because unprofitable servants failed to faithfully and to faithfully proclaim the full counsel of God from His Holy Word, The Bible.
Listen:-Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man — and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things. Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them. Romans 1:22-32 NKJV
Pray: -Forgive our meekness Lord When You bid our hearts be bold And Command us now to arm ourselves With tools of glittering gold Forgive our stillness Lord When You bid us all to move To tread upon the pounding waves Your sustaining power to prove Forgive for our quietness Lord When You bid us now to shout To scold all filthy fiends of hell Command the demons out Forgive our blindness Lord Our happy matted eyes Our conjunctivital deafness that Embrace our friendly lies Forgive our patience Lord Our pious and quiet excuse Whilst angels from the throne of God Strain their wings to be let loose So now send Your faltering host A bunch of David’s men Those bold impatient restless rogues Full of the Holy Ghost! Yes, send Your faltering host A bunch of David’s men Those bold impatient restless rogues Full of the Holy Ghost
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Did you know that we are preaching from each of the 66 Books of the Holy Bible in the 66 Most Influential Cities of the 250 Nations of the World? That's 16,500 cities which will hear a solid prophetic message from each book of the Bible over the next 25 years! Do you want to be part of this? Then please go to www.66Cities.TV to find out how.
Joshua 19:47, 48 And the border of the children of Dan went beyond these, because the children of Dan went up to fight against Leshem and took it; and they struck it with the edge of the sword, took possession of it, and dwelt in it. They called Leshem, Dan, after the name of Dan their father. This is the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Dan according to their families, these cities with their villages. NKJV
Seven of the tribes had still not taken possession of their inheritance. The sent promised-land surveyors had now returned and the set boundaries of firm occupancy had now been set. God was saying: “Go fill the land. Go take your land.” Up to now they had not taken full possession. History would tell us that they would not. Why?
Well, maybe they were frightened? Maybe they were tired of war and conquest, of screaming and of blood? Maybe they were cowards? Maybe they just did not have enough faith and so maybe, they were content to become compromisers? Certainly Israel’s coming near history as portrayed on the book of judges would show them to be the latter. Even so, for now, God’s command and covenant remained sure. “I have given you this land, I am with you, so go in and take possession of it.”
With the Canaanite dooms-day document in his hand, Joshua, through the casting of lots, determined from God which were to be the boundaries of each tribe. Interestingly, it is ‘Desperate Dan,’ who, without any seeming retribution toward him or admonition regarding his actions, breaks out beyond his own allotted boundaries and possesses more than his God given allocation. Why? Because he wanted to? Why? Because he could? Is this the spirit of Caleb manifesting itself in the tribe of Dan? You know, “God is surely with me, so give me this mountain!” Unfortunately, no, it is not. All is not what it appears to be.
Now of course, it is true that Dan found their inheritance too small. Well, when you share your bed with an elephant, of course it is hard to turn over! And that’s just what happened with Dan. The bull elephant of the Amorite valleys said “Hell no! We won’t go!” And they did not: “And the Amorites forced the children of Dan into the mountains, for they would not allow them to come down to the valley;” Judges 1:34 NKJV. Look now: Dan’s God was big enough to wipe clean the valley floor, however, Dan’s faith in their God and their own measure of fortitude in following His commands were not big enough to possess that which rightfully belonged to them, which, at the end of the day, still lay in the hands of their enemies. This lack of faith squeezed Dan’s shoulders together and so they turned from their God given possession toward some easier pickings.
It seems this ‘lack of faith’ in Dan festered quickly into continual compromise. So much so, that Dan is squeezed into the sea, its commerce and it’s conquest, and so much so, that Dan, some would say, becomes an unsealed and disinherited tribe. Now them without going into the controversies and complexities of the tribe of Dan and its ultimate end, there are two principles of great note for the would be ‘man of faith’:
First of all, remember that in sport, being praised for the winning of a national title is a great thing indeed, but then again, everyone knows you are not the world champion even though you could have been. Yes, it’s good to gain the lesser, but my friend, you have still lost the greater, and everyone knows it. The first principle then is this: Defeat can clothe itself in lesser victories. Yes, settling for less, can be dressed up in some surprisingly good looking clothes.
Secondly, those old sayings of rather of “better being a live donkey than a dead lion,” or of being a “large frog in a smaller pond” are the sayings of the ‘settling for less.’ Dress it up how you will my friends, but ‘getting by’ is how most people live. Now then, look where that has led the church, and God help us, the present Levi stock of shepherds, still earn their money by keeping things just ‘so-so’. Be honest, most of our shepherds are paid to put new springs on our wagon and keep them well oiled. I tell you, you will never hear talk of ‘courage’ from men or girls dressed like men, who settled for less and long, long time ago. Here is the 2nd principle then: Most never the raise the bar higher. Most settle for less than ‘everything’ and those that are ‘shooting high’ are those few that are truly 'counting the cost.' Are you 'counting the cost'?
Look tonight in your personal wardrobe. What kind of clothes are hanging in there? Are they designer labelled or just 'off the rack'? Dare to get 'everything' friends. Dare to follow God’s design for you. Dare to kick out the elephants. Dare!
Listen:-“…..Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection: And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment: They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented; (Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth.39 And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise:40 God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect.” Hebrews 11:33-40 KJV
Pray: - Lord, let me not settle for less, but allow me to live this life in the possessed fullness of Your so great promises. Grant me the gift of faith O Lord, and with it courage and strength and perseverance. Whatever the outcome, help me be part of that golden band, ‘of whom the world is not worthy.’ Amen and let it be so.
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Did you know that we are preaching from each of the 66 Books of the Holy Bible in the 66 Most Influential Cities of the 250 Nations of the World? That's 16,500 cities which will hear a solid prophetic message from each book of the Bible over the next 25 years! Do you want to be part of this? Then please go to www.66Cities.TV to find out how.
The early day coffee shop of the Bright Morning Star
Isaiah 26:8,9 Yes, in the way of Your judgments, O Lord, we have waited for You; The desire of our soul is for Your name And for the remembrance of You. With my soul I have desired You in the night, Yes, by my spirit within me I will seek You early; For when Your judgments are in the earth, The inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness. NKJV
I keep referring to this I know, but I am old enough to remember watching a black and white TV whose programming went on at a particular time and went off at another, the night time shut down always being preceded by a drum roll and the national anthem before the picture collapsed like a tiny star into a small dot at the center of the green cathode ray tube. I remember a time when the world was afforded time to contemplate and time to consider its purpose, its pleasures and its end.
By choice, practice and discipline, I am a 4:40 man. I rise each day at 4:40am. I enjoy these times of day for in the 21st century though many people love the night, very few folk love the mornings. Indeed, if you want to, you can feel the rising disdain for the day and the reluctance to embrace it, groaning together beneath a million shoulder tugged duvets. For me though, to watch the night plunge its hands into its trouser pockets and trudge home grumpily toward the West, kicking all the cans of the fading moonlight along its path as it winds its way through all the stuff the world has left lying around from the day before, is a great sight indeed, yes, it lends itself to some silent staring and coffee and contemplation. I have grown to love these morning times.
After writing a most moving departure note which he left to his wife, Jonathan Edwards, that ‘Great American Awakener,’ aged just 54 years, left this breathed out life with both an honest observation and a great expectation. He said: “Trust in God and you need not fear,” and more wonderfully, “Now, where is Jesus of Nazareth, my true and never-failing friend.” I love that.
In cities that never sleep, the reluctant mornings are still the best times of the day, when the world and its demands are diminished to a dot. They are times when the national anthem of heaven can still be so clearly heard, yes, they are times when you can rise from your own slumber and declare “Bring on the day for I trust in God and I shall not fear” yes, they are the quiet time of the coming day when you can brush your teeth, make your coffee, grab your Bible and your seat in your own quiet corner and say with expectant glee, each and every brand new day, “Now, where is Jesus of Nazareth, my true and never-failing friend.”
Discipline is a mark of true spirituality. Desire is a mark of what you consider pleasing, precious, valuable, and worthy. In these Lukewarm and tepid days, Christian conversation, especially amongst the remaining males of the church, is marked mostly with the absence of such a desirous looking for the Lord, and the fat flabbiness of a great spiritual lethargy. I tell you, tonight though, that if you want to be a muffin top man whose mouth is full of nonsense, then just sleep on my friend, yes, just keep on sleeping on.
Desire and discipline are covalent sparks. Choose one and you shall get the other. Man of God, I say choose one and you shall get the other! The morning hours await you and if you embrace them, they shall prepare you for the day and prepare you for heaven. Choose one by setting the alarm clock an hour earlier than usual. Do it now for I wonder if the resting God who never sleeps nor slumbers enjoys His own cup of coffee in the mornings and in the so doing, is always pleased to welcome friends to own His fresh morning table? Yes, I think the Son of God loves these early morning hours, indeed, isn’t one of His best and brightest names indicative of this?
Listen:-"….. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star." Revelation 22:16 NKJV
Pray: -“Now, where is Jesus of Nazareth, my true and never-failing friend.”
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Did you know that we are preaching from each of the 66 Books of the Holy Bible in the 66 Most Influential Cities of the 250 Nations of the World? That's 16,500 cities which will hear a solid prophetic message from each book of the Bible over the next 25 years! Do you want to be part of this? Then please go to www.66Cities.TV to find out how.
John 3:26,27 And they came to John and said to him, "Rabbi, He who was with you beyond the Jordan, to whom you have testified — behold, He is baptizing, and all are coming to Him!" John answered and said, A man can receive nothing, except it be given to him from heaven. NKJV
False fire can be produced by a multitude of ‘magic tricks,’ yes, right from the mis-use of technology up to slick marketing and the use of emotive music hung large with big bags of prosperity lies, false fire abounds. It always has, it always will. False fire can also be brought from the very pit of hell, all manifest with misleading signs and wonders and all the spiritual abuse that goes with the same, and I am not talking about Pastors who rightly tell you what you can and cannot do! No, I am not talking about those increasingly few Pastors who call sin out and command you to ‘fess up and face up your own darkness, yes, who call you to own that stench which is your very own! That is not spiritual abuse my friends, that is love. Even so, I digress. The fact is, that false fire abounds and with it false prophets, false religions, sectarian movements, cults and chains, dungeons and dragons.
The spiritual prosperity of Jesus was a gift of the Father, it originated in heaven and manifested itself upon the earth. True spiritual power, convicting power, converting power, changing power, healing power, saving power, can only descend from heaven. The devil can give you all the kingdoms of this world, (Matthew 4:19) but only God can give you a place of true spiritual authority and real spiritual power, yes, this kind of receiving on earth is via a taking from heaven. A handover occurs. Position, gifts, power and authority are taken from an open handed heaven. Not one think like this can be taken, can be received, unless it is given. Not one thing. Nothing.
Friend, God is the Sovereign Lord and your commission came from above. Power was given for its execution and for its fulfillment. Therefore, know your commission, yes, know the purpose and length of it and know the power of it. John knew all of this for himself. He knew it intimately, yes, he knew the receiving of it and the passing of it. He knew the reality of it, the rigors that came with it and the reward of running with it to the end. Therefore he rightly rejoiced in seeing another take up their very own commission, for theirs too came from heaven. All true spiritual success, you see, comes from the same source.
My commission is from heaven. Its successful completion has my crown attached to it. No matter how difficult my present path, I am determined that no other man shall get my crown. So, when I see other people truly prospering in their ministries, even if I disagree with them on some doctrinal issue, even if dislike them over some personal slight or character trait, providing their power and success comes from the same source, (and this is most easily discernible) then it is right that I should rejoice. Indeed, there is great safety in such joy, for the cat and the canary of jealousy and envy, always die in the thick atmosphere of such rejoicing.
Tell me then today: Why are you here? What is your commission? Where is your determination in its fulfillment? Where is the power? Oh and by the way, is that a set of bagpipes under your arm or a smelly old cat I see? Yes, is that a canary you are carrying in that gilded little cage, where an open hand of praise should be? Careful now friend. Careful.
Listen:-Whenever the living creatures give glory and honor and thanks to Him who sits on the throne, who lives forever and ever, the twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne and worship Him who lives forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying: "You are worthy, O Lord, To receive glory and honor and power; For You created all things, And by Your will they exist and were created." Revelation 4:9-11 NKJV
Pray: - Send me my sailing orders Lord, as I stand with my face to the sea, yes, give me a mission to go on Lord, a commission made only for me. Grant me a vision divine my Lord, a commission that’s fitted for me, and when the clink of the casting abounds my Lord, my crown will come rolling to thee.
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Did you know that we are preaching from each of the 66 Books of the Holy Bible in the 66 Most Influential Cities of the 250 Nations of the World? That's 16,500 cities which will hear a solid prophetic message from each book of the Bible over the next 25 years! Do you want to be part of this? Then please go to www.66Cities.TV to find out how.
Dealing with the ‘Slipers’ who die without the Savior
John 3:36 He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him. NKJV He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him. NKJV
The group slowly traversed their way along the very narrow ledge high up in the cold peaks of the pass. They had traveled for some time together now, sometimes laughing and sometimes crying, but they were together, knit like lovers on this journey of a lifetime. Friendships were fostered and hatreds were coped with. Some knew they would be home at last, others did not even care, for the journey was their home now. Others though, just a few, had a dark foreboding concerning their own future, but really, it only reared its head occasionally in the darkness of their night, when the cold vapors of the high plateau chilled them to the bone.
No one knew how he slipped, but slip he did, and screaming Doppler like, he disappeared from their sight down to the damned depths below which lay hidden underneath the black clouds beneath them which, day after all the long hard trudging day, waited patiently for their walking to end. Some say, the dark depths beneath them never ended and that his falling and screaming would continue forever. Some say he would hit the jagged rocks perpetually until he was shredded into striped jerky and some others, even said that a fiery pit awaited all the fallers, yes, all the fallers that is which did not have a flight plan to guide their falling home. Even so, he was now gone from them and the group momentarily mourned his slipping.
Some said “His like would never be seen again,” whilst others proclaimed him as a passing “genius,” and most were thankful for his previous company and the laughter he had brought to their lives. Meanwhile the dark and silent, swirling clouds beneath them, smirked at all the conciliatory nonsense and simply waited for another slipping whilst the monstrous depths below them all longed to be fed once more. Still, the group all continued on, along the narrow path, whilst those with a ticket home, knowing the ‘slip-er’ had none, never the less, still smiled and sighed and said “What a great and dashing guy he was. I am so thankful for every remembrance of him. How sad, how shocking that he is gone. I mean who would have expected it?”
The age of social connectivity and continual news feeds now reports with increasing regularity to us who also await ‘the slip,’ the deaths of the famous and infamous, the celebrity and influencer, the mover and the shakers in their field, and with each ‘slipping’ tragedy (for that is what it is) the present Christians join the pagan ‘chataratzi’ (for that is what it is) in a smiling eulogizing of the damned and in the communal prettifying of those who for all their life had wrath abiding on them. The damned beginnings and eternal death of the recently departed have all now been so consistently and constantly covered with verbal flowers that even those who supposedly know the truth of what lay beneath the black clouds, daily deny that same truth with their continued silence regarding it, and even pervert it with their joint and smiling eulogy, and so much so, that even the flight plan in their own warm pocket means less to them each day and their witness to the same is become nothing but an embarrassing joke to those they once shared it with, for it is evident to all around them that they really don’t believe ‘that stuff’ anyway. No, not really.
The verse of tonight, tells us that this wrath, this angel dusted anger, this furious abhorrence, lives upon and eternally remains with those who are ‘the lost,’ with those who are ‘the damned,’ and so subsequently, because of this, such ‘slipers’ shall never see life but forever and ever, in unending darkness and eternal dread, shall have death to be their torturer. This is the end of all the ‘slipers’ without a Savior. This is the Word of the Lord.
To kiss the Son in believing faith is to have the ‘W’ of wrath wiped from the back of our once hardened necks. Jesus the Son, you see, is the only Way, the only Truth and the only Life. Therefore, if you have Him, then you have everything. If you do not have Him, then God’s fury resides perpetually upon you and you are ‘the damned.’
If this is the Gospel of Jesus Christ the Lord, then Christian, be careful what you say when yet another slips over the edge into the waiting abyss. Tell me now, for to be sure, I wonder: do YOU believe this Bible?
Listen:- Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, And you perish in the way, When His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him. Psalms 2:12 NKJV
Pray: - Frankly O Lord, this is unwelcome knowledge to the blind. Frankly O Lord, sharing it just gets me into trouble! Frankly O Lord, the burden of the truth of it is just too much to bear, especially on sunshine days or days of hopeless weeping. Your word is too serious a thing to know, too majestical to mess with, too sharp to touch, too terrible to communicate. We cannot handle it and all our sword dancing is testimony to the same. Let Your conviction fall upon the lost and lighted the dark mind of the damned an make us, the redeemed, beacons of hope and light and golden laughter all. Amen and let it be so.
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Did you know that we are preaching from each of the 66 Books of the Holy Bible in the 66 Most Influential Cities of the 250 Nations of the World? That's 16,500 cities which will hear a solid prophetic message from each book of the Bible over the next 25 years! Do you want to be part of this? Then please go to www.66Cities.TV to find out how.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Dream word : PROTECT
Joshua 15:11
The west border was the coastline of the Great Sea. This is the boundary of the children of Judah all around according to their families. NKJV
Borders and boundaries, the Beast and the rise of Babel’s tower
I have lived through the age when an iron curtain melted in the bonfire heat of economic woe and human discontent with the then Stalinist status quo. I have seen the long walls of China begin to crumble and the shorted one in Berlin pulled down long ago. I have seen the great European plan of borderless countries allowing the free flow of labor to become a conduit of economic migration and with it, the spread of a multitude of culture eating cancers. I have seen the skylines changed. Colors, shapes, certainties, languages all became corrupt or enhanced, depending on your point of observation. My friends, the fact is that so many boundaries and borders are now gone and it seems with them, true freedom has been replaced with frustration and fear. I wonder if the only thing that has kept the peace thus far has been maybe government forced ignorance of any true national identity. Truly the 21st century has seen the rise of many a sky ‘shard’ing tower, but I wonder if at the center of all this homosapien homogenization, of all this sky reaching has simply been a heaven grasping Babel?
In a similar way, through the removal of boundaries, religion is also being made ready to be forced onto an homogenized whole. It seems there shall be no borders or boundaries allowed here either. Indeed, all who commit to them are become the hissing ‘ists’ of the modern pluralist disdain, especially for Bible believing Christians who are becoming: Biblicists, fundamentalists, and in the mind of some, even terrorists. Are you shocked? Listen, just last week (2014) a Christian Evangelist was turned away from the gate of a US air force base and was not even allowed to leave his literature for the attention of the chaplains. He was told to leave as someone had reported the presence of a possible terrorist at the gate. It was supposed to have been him. Look now. Look! As the old whore rises, all the ‘ists’ will be decapitated.
From property lines to family lines, from homeland securities to Biblical acceptability’s, borders are intended to be barriers of self-protection within the freedom of allocated lots. There function is to keep the good in and the bad out, and even to keep the bad of themselves from spreading out to to the good of others. Yet, from the crime of Crimea to the democratic choice of Scotland, borders and national boundaries continue to be claimed and contested, confused and confounded.
Gender, sexuality, morality, family, finance, and a ten thousand more entities besides have been allocated Biblical boundaries, and these boundaries have long since been brought down, destabilized and destroyed. The end of all these things sometimes looks like anarchy, but behind the anarchical mess sits a smiling woman, her legs astride the beast, as she walks it across the waters of a world of man-made simpletons. Yes, anarchy may seem like a side effect of boundary dissolution and some might say even the end game of a borderless world, however, do not be deceived. The end game is control. Total control to establish a rebel world.
The reclaiming of lost land is an individual concern for the Christian and it is a matter of practical faith. So, it is for you Christian to know the boundaries of God in your life and in your family’s. It is for you Christian to patrol these same boundaries and enforce their borders. That unity we so desire in the church will come with the arrival of the King, so, until then, stop forcing it, but rather, see the many statements of Biblical practice as staves of protection, yes, see even separation now as a very present gift from God, as a protection, as being totally purposeful. Beware especially then the rush of sameness founded on the removal of God ordained boundaries. In this way, being separate from sameness is not spiritual fascism, apartheid, old sectarianism or even Victorian nationalism. No, this is Biblical border-ism and this is Biblical boundary-ism, and it keeps out the beast and the hoar who rides upon it. Be separate from sin an especially from any spiritual entity that allows and therefore promotes it.
Finally tonight, as a test of our lost boundaries why not go ask a Christian to tell you the ten commandments. Indeed, as a test of your own lost boundaries, why not recall them for yourself tonight. No, I did not think you could. Look: get the walls rebuilt! Look: get the borders back up! Look: re-establish all your boundaries! If there is still time O church of the living God, then let the spiritual border wars begin.
He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
Listen: Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and talked with me, saying to me, "Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters, with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication." So he carried me away in the Spirit into the wilderness. And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication. And on her forehead a name was written: MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement. Revelation 17:1-6 NKJV
Pray: Father, all our walls are broken down and the enemy is within our gates, in our living room and even in our beds. Grant me direction and courage to establish all Your boundaries and claim all that is mine, all that is ours in the might name of Jesus. Grant us then, the strength of Caleb and the courage of Joshua, in all repentance and in all pursuance, in Jesus name we ask it. Amen.
Borders and boundaries, the Beast and the rise of Babel’s tower
Joshua 15:11 The west border was the coastline of the Great Sea. This is the boundary of the children of Judah all around according to their families. NKJV
I have lived through the age when an iron curtain melted in the bonfire heat of economic woe and human discontent with the then Stalinist status quo. I have seen the long walls of China begin to crumble and the shorter one in Berlin pulled down long ago. I have seen the great European plan of border-less countries allowing the free flow of labor to become a conduit of economic migration and with it, the spread of a multitude of culture eating cancers. I have seen the skylines change. Colors, shapes, certainties, languages all became corrupt or enhanced, depending on your point of observation. My friends, the fact is that so many boundaries and borders are now gone and it seems along with them, true freedom has been replaced with frustration and fear. I wonder if the only thing that has kept the peace thus far has been maybe government forced ignorance of any true national identity. Truly the 21st century has seen the rise of many a sky ‘shard’ing tower, but I wonder if at the center of all this homosapien homogenization, of all this sky reaching has simply been a heaven grasping Babel?
In a similar way, through the removal of boundaries, religion is also being made ready to be forced onto an homogenized whole. It seems there shall be no borders or boundaries allowed here either. Indeed, all who commit to them are become the hissing ‘ists’ of the modern pluralist disdain, especially for Bible believing Christians who are become: the Biblicists, the fundamentalists, and in the mind of some, even terrorists. Are you shocked? Listen, just last week (2014) a Christian Evangelist was turned away from the gate of a US air force base and was not even allowed to leave his literature for the attention of the chaplains. He was told to leave as someone had reported the presence of a possible terrorist at the gate. It was supposed to have been him. Look now. Look! As the old whore rises, all the ‘ists’ will be decapitated.
From property lines to family lines, from homeland securities to Biblical acceptability’s, borders are intended to be barriers of self-protection within the freedom of allocated lots. Their function is to keep the good in and the bad out, yes, even to keep the bad of themselves from spreading out to the good of others! Yet, from the crime of Crimea to the democratic choice of Scotland, borders and national boundaries continue to be claimed and contested, confused and confounded.
Gender, sexuality, morality, family, finance, and ten thousand more entities besides have been allocated Biblical boundaries, and these boundaries have long since been brought down, destabilized and destroyed. The end of all these things sometimes looks like anarchy, but behind the anarchical mess sits a smiling woman, her legs astride the beast, as she rides it across the waters of a world of man-made simpletons. Yes, anarchy may seem like a side effect of boundary dissolution and some might say even the end game of a borderless world, however, do not be deceived. The end game is control. Total control to establish a rebel world.
The reclaiming of lost land is an individual concern for the Christian and it is a matter of practical faith. So, it is for you Christian to know the boundaries of God in your life and in your family’s. It is for you Christian to patrol these same boundaries and enforce their borders. That unity we so desire in the church will come with the arrival of the King, so, until then, stop forcing it, but rather, see the many statements of Biblical practice as staves of protection, yes, see even separation now as a very present gift from God, as a protection, as being totally purposeful. Beware especially then the rush of sameness founded on the removal of God ordained boundaries. In this way, being separate from sameness is not spiritual fascism, apartheid, old sectarianism or even Victorian nationalism. No, this is Biblical border-ism and this is Biblical boundary-ism, and it keeps out the beast and the old whore who rides upon it. Be separate from sin an especially from any spiritual entity that allows and therefore promotes it.
Finally tonight, as a test of our lost boundaries why not go ask a Christian to tell you the ten commandments. Indeed, as a test of your own lost boundaries, why not recall them for yourself tonight. No, I did not think you could. Look: get the walls rebuilt! Look: get the borders back up! Look: re-establish all your boundaries! If there is still time O church of the living God, then let the spiritual border wars begin.
He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
Listen:-Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and talked with me, saying to me, "Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters, with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication." So he carried me away in the Spirit into the wilderness. And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication. And on her forehead a name was written: MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement. Revelation 17:1-6 NKJV
Pray: - Father, all our walls are broken down and the enemy is within our gates, in our living room and even in our beds. Grant me direction and courage to establish all Your boundaries and claim all that is mine, all that is ours in the might name of Jesus. Grant us then, the strength of Caleb and the courage of Joshua, in all repentance and in all pursuance, in Jesus name we ask it. Amen.
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Did you know that we are preaching from each of the 66 Books of the Holy Bible in the 66 Most Influential Cities of the 250 Nations of the World? That's 16,500 cities which will hear a solid prophetic message from each book of the Bible over the next 25 years! Do you want to be part of this? Then please go to www.66Cities.TV to find out how.
John 3:22-27 After these things Jesus and His disciples came into the land of Judea, and there He remained with them and baptized. Now John also was baptizing in Aenon near Salim, because there was much water there. And they came and were baptized. For John had not yet been thrown into prison. Then there arose a dispute between some of John's disciples and the Jews about purification. And they came to John and said to him, "Rabbi, He who was with you beyond the Jordan, to whom you have testified — behold, He is baptizing, and all are coming to Him!" John answered and said, "A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven. NKJV
There are four Baptism’s in the New Testament: (1) The Baptism of John, which was a Baptism of repentance and preparation to receive the coming Kingdom. (2) The Baptism of The Holy Spirit, where believers are spiritually immersed into the body of Christ, the church. (3) The Baptism of the disciples of Christ in the name of the Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit, which is an outward physical testimony of the inward reality of this baptism of The Holy Spirit, and (4) The Baptism of Jesus. It is this 4th Water which I wish to consider today.
Now look, combining this verse with John 4:2 which says: “ (though Jesus Himself did not baptize, but His disciples)” we can see that when anyone Baptizes someone in another’s name, then it is though the person whose name is invoked is in fact doing the Baptism. I acknowledge that and the power of it! However, something wonderful is evident here, in that Jesus began the work of Christian Baptism, modelling the same before His disciples. After the calling of the twelve, He no doubt left off to them to continue the work, however, look now, Jesus first took the baton from John, and as John like an exhausted sprinter panted loud and stomped the ground in deceleration and foot stomping relief, placing his tired hands on each kidney pumping hip, retiring from the race track into to his waiting prison cell, Christ the final and fastest runner, took the water baton and ran hard for the finish line. After His victory on Golgotha, on the podium of the mount of transfiguration, this same baton of water baptism would be passed to His gazing up into heaven disciples, and a new and massive relay race, lasting some two thousand years at the moment and involving millions of runners, would begin. In this great race, the baton of water baptism would be passed on from each believing disciple to another, until He comes again. I want to suggest to you that as prayer, teaching, proclamation, discipline, discipleship and evangelism were modelled by Jesus for His disciples, so was water baptism if even for a short time. Yes, Jesus took the baton from John and baptized. Elsewhere.
Now, I say elsewhere because there is a problem and a principle here. First, the principle, which is of course, to start a new work ‘elsewhere’. Remove yourself from the background of the past and the old roots from whence ye came. Find somewhere else to spread your tent pegs. Second though, is the problem, and it’s called jealousy. That’s right, the followers of John become overtaken by a ministerial jealousy of Jesus. Why? Wll, despite Him baptizing elsewhere, His crowds were getting bigger than theirs, and so much so, that they and their ministerial gatherings were diminishing. "Rabbi, He who was with you beyond the Jordan, to whom you have testified — behold, He is baptizing, and all are coming to Him!" (John 3:26 NKJV) . This my friends, is a testimony of exasperation, desperation, astonishment and jealousy. Look now and beware for jealousy is always surrounded by such a skulk of foxes.
Kingdom competition is not new, especially in the market place of souls. I have seen much of it in the modern church and despite the denials and desire for blessing and increase of those ‘others’, the ‘marketing’ tactics, branding distinctives and protectionism of churches are all indicative of Kingdom jealousy. The answer to jealousy is two-fold: The knowledge of your own particular purpose and an honest joy in the fulfilled purpose of others. I wonder if the problem of jealous churches is that they lack a true knowledge of their own distinct purpose and that is because they have simply cloned themselves along the success lines of other churches rather than been birthed with a distinct uniqueness from heaven. The bland voice of the cloned and copying church is evident everywhere and mostly marked my boredom. The cry of the most sheep is not “Baaaah” but “Booooring.” Pastor, planter, local church. Be birthed from heaven, and bear the stork marks of your own uniqueness. This same admonition I can pass on to the individual Christian as well. Be yourself. Be your own heavenly voice.
Listen:-And from the throne proceeded lightnings, thunderings, and voices. Revelation 4:5NKJV
Pray: -Lord Jesus, help us to model what You have taught us. Father, help us to be and to rejoice in the unique distinctives of how You created us so that we might not be jealous of the increase of others even if it is the seeming cause of our own passing diminishment. Help us then O Lord, as individuals, churches and organizations to know and own our very own heaven sent purpose. Amen and let it be so.
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Did you know that we are preaching from each of the 66 Books of the Holy Bible in the 66 Most Influential Cities of the 250 Nations of the World? That's 16,500 cities which will hear a solid prophetic message from each book of the Bible over the next 25 years! Do you want to be part of this? Then please go to www.66Cities.TV to find out how.
Song of Solomon 4:12 A garden enclosed Is my sister, my spouse, A spring shut up, A fountain sealed.
I am writing this insights as a man, a bloke, a geezer and I must say that am feeling very peculiar in the so doing, for this virgin view of the church is a very mystical one for sure, but there is a blessing in the consideration of the same, so I hope you will join me in this ‘hymenic’ breaking consideration and remember that I am speaking of the church and her Lord, of both you and of me, and of Jesus our King.
Our text for today speaks of a female virgin, and paints her as being more than someone who has not had sexual intercourse. Indeed, a female virgin, the best state of all brides, is someone whose totality of intimate affections has been reserved to be poured upon her beloved and best betrothed.
Yes, our text for today is the best of all poetic eulogizing of the virgin bride, and so much so, that it is worthy to consider just how this is also emblematic of the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, for I think that we too are preserved and virgin like, ready for all the first-fruit delights of heaven to be given to us, and that even laid up in us that there are also untold delights awaiting for us to give to Christ. Think about that.
So, let me say again, that when we consider the makeup of the body of Christ, redeemed sinners of every kind and the even the worst of every kind, it’s a remarkable thing to consider that Jesus considers us the church to be His ‘virgin bride’, a body which He has yet to taste and experience all the delights of being His bride and may I say, a body in which He too has yet to see us in all our glory and taste the delights which are in us.
The church is an enclosed garden of delights (SOS 6:2, 11), even the unsullied well of Jesus and His very own spring (Prov 5:15-18 & Rev 21:27), sealed and preserved, sealed and reserved by the earnest of God the Holy Spirit (2 Cor 1:22). We, the church, are in many respects still in the tomb as it were and yet we are alive! Yes, we even bud and flower and fruit and yes, we are even attended by angels! Nevertheless, in great, great respect, we are still residing in that rock sealed tomb waiting for the resurrection even the great adoption and the great unveiling of all we individual parts of the body and the church as whole shall be! Glorious, like and army with banners and much, much more besides!
May I suggest to you today that we are exceptionally ignorant of all the glorious delights, which are laid up in us to give to God in the ages to come. This salvation bestowed upon us, this immersion of us by the Holy Spirit into the body of Christ has made us and so will reveal in us, more that we ever could conceive or contemplate. May I also suggest to you today that it is only then, at the revelation of our truly virgin state, when in full union with Christ the hymenic veil shall be torn from top to bottom and the pleasures stored at His right hand shall be poured upon us forever more and those treasures laid up in us, shall be finally and eternally released.
My friend, you would not naturally know it, but the church is so sanctified and cleansed that it is a virgin of majestic beauty. Creation groans in anticipation and longing for the revelation of this virgin Bride, heaven is awesomely hushed in preparing for the coming Jubilee, whilst all the intrigued angels look on and wonder and all hell trembles in seeing the vision of the city of God come down to earth. Your eyes have not seen, your ears have not heard, none of your senses has any comprehension of the glories yet to come from the marriage supper of the Lamb.
Our faith offers us but one virgin in the afterlife and we are she.
Listen:-For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. Romans 8:18-39
Pray: - Father, how can we mud dwellers see beyond the surface scum of this present and pitiful pond unless we look down in Your word. So illuminate our hearts and mind and help us contemplate so great a cleansing, so great a gifting and so great an unwrapping yet to come. oh let the glories yet to come, empower us with joy in this all-consuming mud, that golden steps of hope would lead us up and out of all the sloughs of our despondency. Amen and amen.
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Did you know that we are preaching from each of the 66 Books of the Holy Bible in the 66 Most Influential Cities of the 250 Nations of the World? That's 16,500 cities which will hear a solid prophetic message from each book of the Bible over the next 25 years! Do you want to be part of this? Then please go to www.66Cities.TV to find out how.
Jeremiah 51:51E "Strangers are come into the sanctuaries of the Lord's house."
It was just a few months ago when I attended an event in the ‘Strangers Dining Room’ in the British Houses of Parliament. The term ‘Stranger’ refers to all non-members of either the lower or upper houses and is commonly applied to members of the public. Until 1998, following a request from the ‘Modernisation Committee’, a Member of Parliament wanting to interrupt a debate would shout: “I Spy Strangers,” and the Speaker of the House would then immediately put the motion to the rest of the present and debating members, saying: “That strangers do now withdraw." If the motion was carried then the observation galleries would be cleared and the business of the House continue in private.
The church of the living God and especially her, that rotting corpse Zombie which was once the Nation’s church, seems to be full of strangers now. The Necrotizing bacteria which invaded its flesh decades ago has long since eaten away at her feet and eyes and her sometimes once strong tongue. It is a terrible thing when the institutions of God become full of strangers to the word of God, strangers to the ways of God, strangers to the works of God and strangers to the holiness of God. The doctors have gathered around her and have concluded that if there is any chance of the patients survival, limbs must be removed and all the strange bacteria be disinfected from the body. The stumps of the corpse like remains, you see, will still need a most thorough washing. It would appear, however, that the patient still refuses to sign the consent form for the operation! “All will be well,” she says, “I have been around for a long time and survived living with death before. I shall survive once more.”
However, the stench of death being so bad now, the doctors have given the old blind bag a room of her own where she can fantasies her days away as the strangers make plans to divide what is left of her one vast estates.
Those local churches which inhabit the once separate world of loose and fixed ‘independency,’ have, I am afraid, through desperate and faithless associations with the living dead, and by using the same sheets to sleep in as those other beautiful strangers who have shared their bed with the world and his ways, also been infected with the same necrotizing nonsense and blinded by the sugary sweet diabetic retinopathy brought on by undiscerning consuming of all things cheap and pleasant. it seesm that even these places of independency are now becoming full of fork-tongued strangers.
Sending new believers to all these places, which are now thoroughly infected with strangers, is like putting a new pink baby on a typhoid ward, which sloshes with inch deep diarrhea and whose nurses are puss-dripping lepers. It is way past the time for separation. Indeed, I do not call for unity, for doing so calls for death. I call for separation and preparation. Separation of the old and preparation for the new. We need new churches friends, so separate from the old infections that when they arrive, they will have a chance to thrive.
Note well, that the places now full of strangers have no authority over the true members of the body of Christ. Leave them now. Run from them. Take nothing with you, which might defile. Trust in the Lord and believe Him for great things. Plough fresh furrows, for though the ground is hard, it longs to be opened up to the warmth of the Son and to His coming reign.
Listen:-Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they shall be My people." Therefore "Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you." 'I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, Says the Lord Almighty." 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 NKJV
Pray: - Father, give the remnants of your people, sight and courage. Give them some men with the spirit and calling of Moses. Send them some Joshua’s Lord, send them some Caleb’s, and send them some dancing Miriam’s O Lord. Then for what remains, send the destroying angel Lord and leave nothing behind but smoking ruins and salted shores, as a continual testimony to what will become of Your habitations when strangers are spied in the land. Amen and amen.
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Did you know that we are preaching from each of the 66 Books of the Holy Bible in the 66 Most Influential Cities of the 250 Nations of the World? That's 16,500 cities which will hear a solid prophetic message from each book of the Bible over the next 25 years! Do you want to be part of this? Then please go to www.66Cities.TV to find out how.