Saturday, June 7, 2014

Jun | 07 | "I Spy Strangers"


"I Spy Strangers"

Jeremiah 51:51E
"Strangers are come into the sanctuaries of the Lord's house."

It was just a few months ago when I attended an event in the ‘Strangers Dining Room’ in the British Houses of Parliament. The term ‘Stranger’ refers to all non-members of either the lower or upper houses and is commonly applied to members of the public. Until 1998, following a request from the ‘Modernisation Committee’, a Member of Parliament wanting to interrupt a debate would shout: “I Spy Strangers,” and the Speaker of the House would then immediately put the motion to the rest of the present and debating members, saying: “That strangers do now withdraw." If the motion was carried then the observation galleries would be cleared and the business of the House continue in private.

The church of the living God and especially her, that rotting corpse Zombie which was once the Nation’s church, seems to be full of strangers now. The Necrotizing bacteria which invaded its flesh decades ago has long since eaten away at her feet and eyes and her sometimes once strong tongue. It is a terrible thing when the institutions of God become full of strangers to the word of God, strangers to the ways of God, strangers to the works of God and strangers to the holiness of God. The doctors have gathered around her and have concluded that if there is any chance of the patients survival, limbs must be removed and all the strange bacteria be disinfected from the body. The stumps of the corpse like remains, you see, will still need a most thorough washing. It would appear, however, that the patient still refuses to sign the consent form for the operation! “All will be well,” she says, “I have been around for a long time and survived living with death before. I shall survive once more.”

However, the stench of death being so bad now, the doctors have given the old blind bag a room of her own where she can fantasies her days away as the strangers make plans to divide what is left of her one vast estates.

Those local churches which inhabit the once separate world of loose and fixed ‘independency,’ have, I am afraid, through desperate and faithless associations with the living dead, and by using the same sheets to sleep in as those other beautiful strangers who have shared their bed with the world and his ways, also been infected with the same necrotizing nonsense and blinded by the sugary sweet diabetic retinopathy brought on by undiscerning consuming of all things cheap and pleasant. it seesm that even these places of independency are now becoming full of fork-tongued strangers.

Sending new believers to all these places, which are now thoroughly infected with strangers, is like putting a new pink baby on a typhoid ward, which sloshes with inch deep  diarrhea and whose nurses are puss-dripping lepers. It is way past the time for separation. Indeed, I do not call for unity, for doing so calls for death. I call for separation and preparation. Separation of the old and preparation for the new. We need new churches friends, so separate from the old infections that when they arrive, they will have a chance to thrive.

Note well, that the places now full of strangers have no authority over the true members of the body of Christ. Leave them now. Run from them. Take nothing with you, which might defile. Trust in the Lord and believe Him for great things. Plough fresh furrows, for though the ground is hard, it longs to be opened up to the warmth of the Son and to His coming reign.

Listen:- Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they shall be My people." Therefore "Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you." 'I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, Says the Lord Almighty." 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 NKJV

Pray: -  Father, give the remnants of your people, sight and courage. Give them some men with the spirit and calling of Moses. Send them some Joshua’s Lord, send them some Caleb’s, and send them some dancing Miriam’s O Lord. Then for what remains, send the destroying angel Lord and leave nothing behind but smoking ruins and salted shores, as a continual testimony to what will become of Your habitations when strangers are spied in the land. Amen and amen.

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