Thursday, August 23, 2012

Aug | 23 | Heads or Tails?

Key Word:- PROMISE

Title:- Heads or Tails?

Deuteronomy 28:33…..and you shall be only oppressed and crushed continually

Mount GERIZIM and EBAL are two mountains of Samaria, which form the opposite sides of the valley and contained the ancient town of Shechem. The valley which these mountains enclose is about 200 or 300 yards wide and over three miles long. These two mountains were the scene of the great declaration of interdependence of which our text today is but a very small part. Here, God lays out His covenant and the blessings of obedience and the cursing of disobedience before the brand new and tippy-toed listening Israelite nation. It is a terrible covenant! As the millions of people stood in the valley, the consequence of disobedience thundered forth from the tops of Ebal and fell like fierce lightning upon the people's hearts. From the tops of Gerizim however, words of the blessings of obedience rained down upon their same sorry heads. In awesome high fidelity then, a terrible stereophonic declaration of the old covenant was given to the new and waiting nation.

Our verse today sums up the consequences of the cursings of Ebal and to live continually oppressed and crushed is indeed, a very bitter curse. Now here is a big problem friends, for far too many children of God could use this wee verse as a summary of their own lives and as a testimony to how they feel in their innermost being, or as a true statement of their daily accounting. It's pitiful, it's horrible and it's not right. Why then do too many Christians seem to live then under the shadow of Ebal?

This is usually a problem of four parts :

1. Generational sin and it's consequences no doubt play a part.
Demonic oppression, thieving killing and destroying, no doubt have another part.
Christians living in subjection to their own sin nature no doubt plays the third part.
Yet I believe that it is ignorance that plays the biggest part. Ignorance of where we stand in Jesus.

Friends, those who have put their trust in the shed blood of Jesus Christ are called the sons of the Most High God and they are blessed! So, we no longer stand in the shadow of Ebal.

Truth is neither do we stand in the shadow of GERIZIM, that is, we do not stand in the shadow of blessing! No, we stand in the shadow of no mountain now, but rather we are in mount Gerizim and so much so that it could be said that Christians are Gerizim! Yes, we are the blessed mountain itself! We are blessed, for in Christ, we are blessing, yes, we are according to the Scriptures own remarkable summary, made to be the 'head and not the tail; above and not beneath!' (Deut 28:13)

As God reveals them to you, repent of the sins of your fathers. Resist the Devil and do not believe His lies. Yield to the Holy Spirit, bow down and humble yourself under the mighty Hand of God and listen to HIS GOOD NEWS, HIS GLORIOUS TRUTH, and HIS TREMENDOUS TESTIMONY. For He has done us great good, FAR and ABOVE and WAY, WAY BEYOND all that we might ask or think. We are truly blessed!

Listen:- Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved. Ephesians 1:2-6 

Pray: - Lord, I am blessed in You. Lord in You I am made the head and not the tail, I am above and not beneath. Lord deliver me today from every evil, from every darkness, from every falsehood I have believed about myself and replace these four debilitating issues with the mounts of Zion, Moriah, Gerizim and Calvary. Surround me then O God, and marry me to these four great peaks today, in Jesus name I ask it, Amen.

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