Friday, August 17, 2012

Aug | 17 | Riveting Reads!

Key Word:- OBEY

Title:- Riveting Reads!

Ecclesiastes 12:12 Of making many books there is no end, and much study is wearisome to the flesh.

It was today in 1993 that ‘Random House’ publishing agreed to pay General Colin Powell an advance of about $6 million for the rights to his autobiography, ‘My American Journey.’ I bet you thought it was only sports people that got paid exorbitant fees!
Books continue to be big business and the electronic age has not diminished this, but only intensified it. I am not a good reader and so I listen to many books. Log on, pay your money, down load, get on with some non-mentally demanding chore, jog or paint or walk the dog and just listen! It’s a great way to absorb I can tell you. Yup, I can in just a few seconds download a new book and throw it on my ‘handheld’ or my IPOD/IPAD/IPHONE/ or whatever, along with numerous other titles, slip it into my shirt pocket and whip it out whenever I need it. Amazing really! There is in fact so much information available now that you could drown in it. Indeed, there is so much information and so much accesability to it, that it’s like putting your mouth around a fire hydrant and in the end, it can indeed become very wearisome to your flesh.

I am a perpetual student and know how wearisome study can get and so I am always gladdened and greatly encouraged when I come across a book that is hot in my heavy little hands. A book that speaks to me, encourages me, scratches where I itch and it brings out many an “Amen” and some times a “You’ve got to be kidding me!” This is the kind of book that for me is alive and speaking. I might not agree with it all, but I cannot ignore it for it has a voice and it speaks. It is RIVETING READ!

The Church is like an old book to the world. On the whole, we are ignored. The world finds us often to be wearisome to them, indeed, we are to them just one big yawn! “There they go again, spouting their musty mantra, the tea at three brigade, religiously righteous, clothed in mediocrity, irrelevant, sad and powerless. I mean look at them! Come on, why bother with such feeble voices.”

Let’s be honest, in the West the local churches have long since ceased to be a group of revolutionary world changing voices? (Even if they do have tattoos and goatee beards). Yet we should be banners of truth, bearers of burned and heartfelt words! We should be the books that are too hot to handle, the books demanding to be seen, read and heard, books that are seditious to the world the flesh and the devil, irregular, intriguing, intrusive, intrepid, irritating, irrefutable, and thoroughly inspired, riveting reads!

Friend, fellow book of God, containing a story heard and written nowhere else in the universe, how are your pages today? Smudged? Closed? Torn, ripped, burned or stained or worse still, boring? Don’t you know that Jesus makes great books! That He is the restorer of better dreams and far, far better stories. Maybe your story has yet to properly begin? So, why not today, ask Jesus to write you a story that you can be proud of; a story that the world just cannot ignore, a much red and riveting read.

Listen:- You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men; clearly you are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart. 2 Corinthians 3:2-3

Pray: - Lord, take my Life and let it be, consecrated Lord to thee. Take my moments and my days and make them flow in ceaseless praise to You. Make me into a book whose pages drip with warm grace and rich red love. Make me an adventure that people want to join. Oh author of life, come sign Your name on me! amen.

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