Thursday, November 1, 2012

Nov | 01 | Beware This Flower's Power

Dream Word – COURAGE

Numbers 14:31 But your little ones, whom you said would be victims, I will bring in, and they shall know the land which you have despised. NKJV

Beware This Flower’s Power

Fear is a most fantastic flower, unfolding itself in the most colourful of forms and fragrances. From concerned and seemingly mild musings, to loud and strong, fist-shuddering horror, it shakes its stubborn stem even in the most mild of summer breezes, casting forth the very seeds of its own ultimate and most deserved destruction. Yes, from sweet to sour, fear perfumes its own perverted way with the most justifying of scents. “Well after all,” it says, “What about the kids? We have to think about them? If anything happens to us, well, what about them? I mean, how can we provide for them if.....well, they shall never forgive us if....and if we ever did do what You ignorantly intimate, what you wildly and most seemingly suggest, then how could we ever provide. I mean, if we went there, how would they survive? I mean, this is fanatical...I mean, this is totally irresponsible....I mean, this is not a command to respond to with a ‘yes sir’ salute and a fast return to the seems with a quick to obey like snap. No! This is a bear baited trap! A deception that will lead to our destruction, a madness that if followed will surely only lead to misery” Yes, fear is a most fantastic flower, its roots finding their abundant sustenance in even the scantest of soils, which is nevertheless, so rich in unbelief and that’s the problem with fear, it roots itelf in and gives birth to unbelief.

From our text for tonight, we see these same flowers of fear now finding themselves within the very tent doors of the whole camp of Israel, whose many open blooms, all together sucked out of the blue and sunlit skies of the waiting to be possessed, giant filled promised land, such a gross and debilitating deformity, that God their Saviour could not fail to find it both offensive and disgusting to His soul. So offensive in fact, that He would now kill them for it. Yes, He would scour them from the smelly pan of unbelief and start again with a new and pollen fear free people. Indeed, it was only Moses who stopped Him from killing the self-convicted and self-condemned nation in an instant as one man. It was only Moses that stopped Him from carrying out His plan.

Restrained by the prayers of Moses then, God limits His most terrible tirade and goes to His fear poisoned flower powered people saying “There is no reason for this soul of unbelief. For if you had taken the salt of My signs and wonders performed among you, and sprinkled it upon those places of death in your hearts, then fear would have found no sustenance to spread its roots. Now, not only have you have failed to deal rightly with the soul of your souls, but you have fertilised it with the mad manure of your most consistent and complacent disdain of Me. So, concerning those whom you deceitfully feigned to fear for the most, even your children, well they shall posses that which you now most scurrilously are rejecting and you shall never see their joy, nor settle in the sweet places I had prepared for you along with them.” 

Granted, this is a stark message yet there it is. So, let us daily take the salt of His greatness and sow it with great extravagance upon the surface of our own unbelieving souls, that we might be kept from the flowering of those most pernicious of fear-filled blooms. According to the word of God, He can take care of your kids far better than you can. So go ahead and obey Him, go into the land of giants!

Listen: - "How long shall I bear with this evil congregation who complain against Me? I have heard the complaints which the children of Israel make against Me. (Numbers 14:27-28 NKJV)

Pray:- Help us daily then Lord, each night to salt our souls with the remembrance of Your great power and goodness, that faith would flower in the night and so make our mornings ever fresh with faith and hope. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

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