Friday, November 30, 2012

Nov | 30 | Weaving The Web & Holding The Centre

Dream Word – FIGHT

Proverbs 30:28 The spider skillfully grasps with its hands, and it is in kings' palaces. NKJV.

Weaving the Web & Holding The Centre

The other morning I found a spider in the corner of my ceiling, seemingly hanging there in empty space. Of course it wasn’t just hanging there at all, but rather, was held in place, sitting in the centre, astride the trampoline tension of an invisibly well- spun web.

Sometimes, when you look around, maybe at your ‘wayward’ family or long time friends, and think about your seemingly lack of any ability to make any spiritual impression on them whatsoever, you have the tendency to ask, “Is it worth it?” I mean, is it worth consistently being that good example? Is it worth consistently being that model for what is right and good, pure and lovely? Of course in relation to God, this is a good thing, indeed, this brings Him glory and that of course should be good enough. However and even so, sometimes, just sometimes, you have the tendency to ask, “Is it worth it?”

Yes, over the years, I have heard this particular “Is it worth it?” question from many a good and well worn saint, temporarily cast down in various measures of despondency. The problem of course is that they have not only failed to see the web of goodness which they have spun, but have ceased to be still and to feel the tension of all they secretly hold together. Families and relationships, ardent hope and high standards, love and grace, are all seemingly hanging there in adverse and empty space. Webs have that invisible capacity don’t they? Do you see the good web you weave? Be still. Do you feel it?

That particular spidery morning, I took my walking stick and reached up into the corner around the sitting sentinel and broke its secret web. It balled up and plummeted to the carpet, bouncing on the plush pile and rolling to the white, chipped, skirting board. I have observed that when either through the death of the centre holding saint, or the sinful desertion of the same, the invisible web they once maintained becomes noticeable now only in the holders absence. When, as I said, upon either their sad demise or upon their most fateful and sinful departure, families and friends, loved ones and 'longed fors’, all come crashing to the ground! Ending up in the same spidery dead gutter of the white, chipped skirting board.

Saint of God, in your goodness and in your grace, in your petitional payers and in your constant and good example, you occupy the Kings Palace! You spin an invisible and all-upholding web of hope and possibility, of drawing redemption and of escapes to safety. You hold the centre! Ever repairing the trampolined tension of prayerful possibility. Sometimes, when you look around maybe at your ‘wayward’ family or long time friends, and think about your seemingly lack of any ability to make any spiritual impression on them whatsoever, you may still have the tendency to ask, “Is it worth it?” I mean, is it worth consistently being that good example? Is it worth consistently being that model for what is right and good, pure and lovely? And I say to you tonight and in no uncertain terms that YES! IT IS WORTH IT! SO, KEEP HOLDING THE CENTRE, FOR YOU ARE UPHOLDING MORE REDEMPTIVE POSSIBILTY THAN YOU COULD EVER POSSIBLY IMAGINE! KEEP HOLDING THE CENTRE!

Listen: - But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers. (1 Peter 4:7-8 NKJV.)

Pray:- Lord, for all those worn and forlorn saints, who secretly hold the centre of hope for so many people, who in turn most secretly look to them, grant them grace and strength and the chance to see the glitter of the morning dew upon all which they unknowingly hold together. In Jesus name we ask it, amen.

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