Saturday, December 6, 2014

Dec | 06 | A Truth Unshared


A Truth Unshared

John 8:31-32
Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." NKJV

Again, I ‘wowed’ last night over yet another superb film from yet another stunning Steinbeck Novel called ‘East of Eden.’ From the multitude of scenes which deals with secrets, self righteousness and truth, and a thousand other human frailties besides, it is that particular scene where the enigmatic and wild Caleb introduces his proud and ignorant brother Aaron to the truth that: not only is his mother not dead but is alive, and successfully running a house of ‘ill repute,’ whilst having utter disdain for them as her children and for their father who brought them up. Aaron’s exposure to this truth sends him mad, destroys his world and spins him into self destruction when he signs up as a ‘certain death’ soldier to be fed as fodder to the rattling German machine guns of the first world war. That part of the scene where semi-sober Aaron smashes his head through the train carriage window and laughs like a crazed gargoyle all covered in splinters of glass and drunken spittle as the train removes him forever from their lives, yes, even as the Father ‘strokes out’ nearly dead on the ground in response to the horror of the fractured picture of his beloved son before him, is one of the greatest cameos of the results of a truth unsheathed. There is no freedom here. Only utter destruction. Steinbeck in his observation of the same is quite, quite brilliant.

Now I share this cameo today with you, for we come to probably the most misunderstood and misapplied verse in Scripture and speaking as a pastor I can tell you that the misapplication of this verse has done great damage to situations, relationships, families and individuals, for the bare naked truth of a sinful situation, the unsheathed facts of a dark and once hidden matter, have sent mad not a few individuals; have blasted brains and sensibilities across once quiet magnolia walls; have scorched the earth like some angry ‘little boy’ leaving but shadows of dead men on concrete walls; have firebombed once green forests leaving nothing but matchstick splinters; have left a barren and shell pocked ruined and turned over land, so deeply cratered in desolation that only owls and pussycats will roam there now amongst the embittered, angry and much deformed wanderers left behind. Listen: The facts of the sinful matter, the truth of the situations of sin, are all Chernobyls in the making. They can bring cancers to the brains of the ignorant, desolate the soul of the simple, and empty all the cities of sociability and love. Truth, that is, the basic facts of sinful matters, rarely set people free. They kill them.

Now then, should you feel the great need to unburden yourself of your secret sins, please consider the consequences before you pull the pin from that grenade. Cast all your care upon Jesus friend, don’t dump the steaming pile over those you love and destroy them with your stink. Yes, if you are carrying a confession which will change the lives of others then I counsel you to seek the prayerful guidance of your Pastor. Oh, and make sure he is an older grey haired guy and not some young buck, for I have learned that there are some ‘sinful truths’ that need to be taken to the grave, and only those who have been to many a funeral know this. Great wisdom is needed in these things, for at times it will be appropriate to share a particular ‘confessional truth’ and then much prayer and preparation needs to be carried out.

Friends, it is the truth of who Jesus is and what He has done for us on Calvary’s cross to bring us to the Father which will set us free from the condemnation of sin, free from religious self justification and free from the application of guilt that we might live a life of joyous obedience pleasing to Him. Now that’s freedom!

Listen:- A talebearer reveals secrets, But he who is of a faithful spirit conceals a matter. Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors there is safety. Proverbs 11:13-14NKJV

Pray: -  Father, grant is wisdom to know when to spill our beans and friends and counselors who love us to help us in the so doing. Where O such knowledge would destroy, grant us the strength to keep our mouths shut, cast all our care on You and then grant us the peace and joy to live a righteous, holy and changed life. Amen and let it be so.

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