Seeing the stupendous!
Jeremiah 33:2,3
"Thus says the Lord who made it, the Lord who formed it to establish it(the Lord is His name): 'Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.' NKJV

Now then, apart from Jeremiah’s personal, present temporal suffering, as a Prophet to the nations and a great lover of his own, obediently holding the deeds to a field he has recently bought as a down payment testimony to the coming judgement of God, Jeremiah did not understand how God could restore such a rebellious nation as his which was still apparantly destined for doom? From this particular dark, this prison of utter ignorance, God now challenged His prophet to call to Him for understanding.

First that these verses, all pregnant full with present invitation and coming answers, belong to a much beleaguered and bound, frustrated and crushed servant of the Lord. Is this you?
Secondly, that Jeremiah actually heard more from God in prison than he ever did in a palace! So then, as the clouds of this day shall draw the dark bedclothes of the night over yet another passing prison day for you, are you expectant in your prison tonight? Are you listening still?
God's plans for your future are indeed inaccessible to you. Only God can unlock such secrets of your future. Be encouraged though, for God offered this knowledge to Jeremiah. “Ask” He says, “and I will show you hidden things, unthought of things, undreamt of things, even unthinkable things! Yes, I will show you things kept locked up in a safe and guarded things, inaccessible things, stupendous things which are a coming down the track! All of these things and more, just ask and I will show you them to you. And when you ask Jeremiah, even as the display of this knowledge shall cast a bright light on your nation’s sinfulness, yet, I will still answer; I will still show; I will still come; and I will still cleanse; yes, I will still pardon.”
The new year is always soon upon us dear friend, and despite the uncertainty of the darkness of your ignorance, look at how speedily you you be sucked into all of its demands. In addition to this dear Christian, before you disappear into maybe your own escape tunnel digging, right now, it is imperative that you call to God and ask for knowledge and grace, even light and understanding, regarding what He shall do in you, about you, for you and with you this coming year. Do it now, for this is the year to see the stupendous!
Listen:- “Thus says the Lord who made it, the Lord who formed it to establish it(the Lord is His name): 'Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:2,3 KJV
Pray: - Father, please show me what You are doing and are going to do. Father please show me Your glory as it pertains to my life and my calling in particular. Father, show me Your workings, that I might be released me from my prison cell. Yes my Father, please give me now a brand new ship, and take me down to the great waters where I might see all the wonders of You, my Lord and my God. Amen, and let it be so.

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