Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Apr | 04 | Dining with Dennis the Hamster

Key Word:- MERCY

Title:- Dining with Dennis the Hamster

Deuteronomy 25:4 “You shall not muzzle an ox while it treads out the grain.

Outside in the darkness adjacent to a closed back door, underneath the low sill of an old damp window, I found my first fond pet, breathing badly and dying of a heart attack. I couldn't lift 'Lassie' because she was so old and heavy, especially for a young lad like me, so I had to leave her there alone whilst I raced on home to get my father.

It was my first experience of death and I asked my dad “Will Lassie be in heaven?” Indeed, this was the very same question which I also asked the Roman Catholic priest at one of my first confessions. My Father didn’t know what to say and the priest just ignored me and gave me two ‘Our Fathers,’ and a ‘Hail Mary’. I remember mumbling through my penance and was angry that God had no answer to the pain I felt in the loss of this lovely old dog. My first fond pet, found dead.

Obviously, God did not care about dogs. I wonder if He cares about other pets?

Since then I have said goodbye to ‘Patch’ my teenage hound, 'Sam' our most special family dog, ‘Marmalade’and 'Jakey Bobo,' our cats, and ‘Dennis’ the hamster. I had great affection for each of them. It’s amazing how much we get attached to little things. Tell me, “Will they be in heaven? Shall I see these lovely creatures again?”

Born in other countries mind you, these same companions of mine may have also been heartily and possibly thankfully delivered to my hungry stomach! If I ate them, would I then see them in heaven? Would I want to? Now there’s a thought! Will we see each KFC we have devoured, and wow at each cow we have consumed? Will animals be redeemed? I mean, just how does God care about the animal kingdom? Are they but mere fun and fodder for those created in His image? William Blake in his Poem, ‘At the Last Judgment’ writes: -

A dog starved at his masters gate
Predicts the ruin of the state
A horse misused upon the road
Cries to heaven for human blood

I have yet to see many works addressing God’s relation to, and God’s delight in, His very own animal kingdom. Mind you, I can understand the avoidance of the issue for I don’t begin to understand the purpose of soft deer and hungry carnivores being placed on the same planet? Except that sin and bloody sacrifice are Scripturally speaking, always destined to walk hand in hand in this great story of ours, then the reason for the created and open ferocity, ripped skin and shed blood of the animal Kingdom eludes me. I can barely imagine what a redeemed animal Kingdom will look like, for I am sure there will be no more ripped and torn carcases. If so, then surely the carrion we see now will be out of a job?

Never the less, I know Jesus ate fish, and at least once a year was partial to a little roast lamb Himself. I know He rode on a donkey. I know He shall yet come with clouds descending, riding on a mighty white warhorse; I know His throne is surrounded by composite and fantastic creatures. I know He cuddles kittens and pats dogs, (who doesn't?) and loves His creation and calls them all very, very good, even at one point with Job of old, delighting in its created ferocity whilst pointing to some kind of Dinosaur and shouting in glee, saying,: “Behold Behemoth!”

Yes indeed, we can say that God gets excited about His fantastic creation and that He has entrusted it to us, to use it, to utilize it, to tend it and especially, to respect it.

Will I see Dennis the hamster again? In the light of my God withholding no good thing and loving me immensely I think I have to say this to that question: “If I want to dine with Dennis the Hamster in my heavenly home, then I believe I will!” I’m partial to the right bit of lettuce.

In the meantime, let us respect God’s magnificent creation and remember the lines of William Blake when he says:-

A dog starved at his masters gate
Predicts the ruin of the state
A horse misused upon the road
Cries to heaven for human blood

Listen: - A righteous man regards the life of his animal. Prov 12:10

Pray: - Lord, for all your animals that You provide, we give you thanks and ask that you would endue in us the proper respect and honour for this most glorious of Your creation, in Jesus name we pray, amen.

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