Thursday, April 26, 2012

Apr | 26 | Acquiring The Accent

Key Word:- CONNECT

Title:- Acquiring The Accent

Acts 4:13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marvelled.

Not so very long ago, in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, if one wanted to get on in broadcasting, then one had to speak the Queen’s English in a very proper, polite and monotone kind of way, don’t you know. Indeed, once upon a time speaking this way seemed to be the only real sign of good breeding and good schooling. “Jolly good, old chap!” Now of course, the more of a regional accent you have, the more you might be heard! Regional accents today have “street cred” you see, because it’s seemingly more authentic, less pompous, more PC, don’t you know. My, how times have changed. “Rather!”

My own origins in the Midlands of the United Kingdom, make my accent very regional indeed, even common, that is in the lower, poorer, less educated understanding of the word ‘common’ of course. You can imagine then how wonderful it is for such a commoner to have lived in the South of the U.S.A. and find it hilarious, that the accent of such a commoner is regarded there with real enchantement, endearment and appreciation. If only they knew!

The early apostles were ‘perceived’, that is seen to be, uneducated and untrained men. I want to suggest to you it was because they were Galileans and you could hear it in their voice, in their accent and after all that’s said and done, everyone knew that ‘nothing good ever came from Galilee!’

These poor uneducated men that looked the part, walked the part and sounded the part of goofy Galileans, did on the surface, seem to be living proof of that very same discriminating saying! Yet these regional renegades caused the authorities to marvel, even to be astonished in wonderful admiration at how they handled themselves and spoke with such authority. It would appear that these Galilean scum, had acquired a new and overriding spiritual accent. Thankfully it is a new and universal overriding accent and all who hear it, give testimony to its power, its loveliness, its veracity and its desirability and like so many accents, it is best acquired by spending a lot of time around the person speaking it.

Friend, just who are you spending most of your time with? It’s going to tell in the way you speak don't you know? "Rather".

Listen:- ……they marvelled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus. Acts 4:13-14

Pray:- O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall show forth Your praise. Psalms 51:15. NKJV.

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