Saturday, April 28, 2012

Apr | 28 | Touching God

Key Word:- TRUST

Title:- Touching God  

Matthew 9:21 “If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well.”

Researchers say that in Asia the growing popularity of communications technologies, is providing a way for many people to express their faith? From the daily deliveries of lunar almanacs, to electronic reminders telling you it's time to pray, as well as which direction to face when doing so, it's obvious that religion, social relationships and science, are all fitting together quite nicely in the technology of the 21st Century. Indeed, if you were to go to the website of the Hindu Temple of Kentucky, then you would be able to participate in ‘virtual Poojah.’ Just click on the screen, connect to your chosen deity and up pops its image (even musically animated) and away you go, twisting on that old jar of poo! Just bow down to your screen, burn your incense and offer up that bunch of bananas in your worship of prayer and sacrifice.
Nice and sincere people welcomed me into that same temple, when I was investigating the Hindu religion of some 300 million gods. I assume, that only the top ranking deities were there that particular morning in Kentucky, as over each shrine, in Arial bold type, were some very specific instructions:


It would appear in most religions that top ranking deities can never be touched! There was no indication about what the temporal or eternal consequences would be if I reached out and clasped the man made image perched on its shelf in Kentucky, but the command was loud and clear, “Hands off!”

I remember as a young Catholic, in innocent fun, reaching into my mouth and pretending to touch the host after my First Communion. Older kids who saw me do it, blackmailed me for quite a few weeks after that, forcing me to give them both candy and money, saying they would 'tell on me' for touching God if I didn't meet their demands. Oh no! Now of course, I wouldn’t dream of touching any of these particular Hindu deities, it’s a dangerous game touching a God! Good grief even the Uzza incident in 1 Chronicles Chapter 13, leaves me shocked and fearful every time I read it. If touching wafers and picking at painted plaster can get you into so much trouble, then who of us can reach out, even in dire desperation, reach out and actually touch God and not be killed with His holy and righteous indignation?
Well the magnificent truth for us all today is, that any of us can now in fact reach out and touch God! After all, God clothed Himself in flesh, and we all know that flesh is for touching. Neither technology nor religion must become a veil of fear between us and the living God. Our God touches and can be touched, and every trembling finger of faith that lays hold of Jesus, is most richly rewarded. God is at your elbow friends, reach out and find Him there! Reach out and touch Him!

Listen: - And after eight days His disciples were again inside, and Thomas with them. Jesus came, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, “Peace to you!” Then He said to Thomas, “Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing.” And Thomas answered and said to Him, “My Lord and my God!” John 20:26-28

“Be of good cheer, daughter; your faith has made you well.” And the woman was made well from that hour. Matt 9:22

Pray:-From the dust O God, my reaching hand trembles at Your lovely feet. Forgiving Father, feel my feeble faith and touch me in return, in Jesus name I ask it, amen!

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