Sunday, April 22, 2012

Apr | 22 | Filthy Love

Key Word:- TRUST

Title:- Filthy Love

1 John 2:17 And the world is passing away, and the lust of it;

Fagin’s philosophy sounds so very true. “In this life one thing counts, in the bank, large amounts!” After all, if you are unhappy with your face or body? Money will fix it. Do you need a place to live? Money will fix it. Do you need transportation, debt alleviation, a large building for a growing congregation, need to pacify a small roguish nation or buy a nice cut jewel for her celebration? Well money will fix it, ‘cause money fixes most things friends! Oh yes it does!

We all know it’s money that makes this world go around and not love. Prestige, respect, safeties of all sorts in the many forms of medical insurance, life insurance and retirement benefits and well, you name it, are all provided by money. So get money and remember, if you’re overflowing with all that lovely green stuff and don’t know what to do with it, then may I quote Fagin once more? “Robin Hood, what a crook! Gave away, what he took. Charity's fine, subscribe to mine….”

Actually, money is great; it brings a certain freedom with it. Ask any arts group and they shall tell you how money from patrons and sponsors releases them to perform. After all, without philanthropic patrons, the rest of the country would not be able to get to the stock exchange for falling over starving artists dying in droves on all the pavements and sidewalks of our cities! Ahhhh money, don’t you just love it? Such a key to the opening of locked doors, such freedom, such supply, such happiness that comes with having money.  

I like the look of lucre, don’t you? Of course you do. Money does have a strange power doesn’t it? For though I have God living in my heart, yet I know that I am a different man, a better man, more at peace and more assured, when I have a few hundred dollars in my back pocket and you know, that concerns me greatly, for oh, the peace that money brings me and oh the plastic pompousness that comes from having some money in my own back pocket! Even the power of His Golden presence seems to be enhanced when couched in green. Scary stuff! Spiritually speaking, maybe we would be better off without it?

There is however, no godliness in poverty just as there is no evil in riches. However, let's face it, the seeming freedom and safety and open doors and power that money brings with it does give money an exceptionally strong magnetic pull. Who hasn’t felt it? Yet as gravity warps light, so the love of money and the attractive danger of that kind of fiscal freedom, that kind of financial fortressing of our earthly futures, both distorts our view of eternity and bends us away from trust in the Father. On many occasions Jesus saw money’s binding power on those possessed by it, and His loving direction to those imprisoned by their wealth or desire for it was simple, “Give it up, give it away!”

In such demanding proclamation, it seems to me that Jesus showed us not only the giant bastion of unbelief, but the all possessing fortress of great possessions, in both pictures of camels and eyes of needles.Tell me friends, how many green humps are you riding on today?

Listen:- For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 
1 Timothy 6:9-10

Pray:- Oh my Father, I am tempted not to trust in You and in Your goodness. In the building of my wooden barns, the laying down of the hay my future and the storing up of all my stubble, I fear I am but building for myself simply a big and burning bonfire to warm my hands on both now and in my latter days. Please forgive me O Lord, and help me to put my hope in You for Oh my Father, I am tempted not to trust in You and in Your goodness towards me, Your little child. Amen

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