Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Apr | 24 | A Simple Summary of all Forms and Formats


Title:- A Simple Summary of all Forms and Formats

Ecclesiastes 12:12 Of making many books there is no end, and much study is wearisome to the flesh.

The very first books purchased for the American Library of Congress were from London. $5000 of available funds were used to buy a collection of 740 volumes and just three maps. Today, over 200 years since its foundation, the vast holding of the Library now number well over 110 million items and continues to grow daily.

Being around just a little longer of course, the British Library has over 150 million items and reports that 3 millions items are added to its shelves annually, their shelves increasing in length by 12km per year. Now that's Amazing! Someone has estimated that if you were to attempt to read a book a day in the British library and from its existing inventory only mind you, that it would take you well over 400,000 years to get through them!

With the arrival of the digital era and the now widespread self-publishing, it has brought with it, the increase of books in every form and format is frankly even now, enormous! Indeed, the making of so many books is now so prolific, that I wonder if soon and very soon, we are going to be living in the library!

In this busy age we live in, with easy access to this vast amount of information, it's important to have a service that picks out the best of the best and neatly summarizes them for us. These very useful services are growing each day. In this regard however, once again, may I say that God was way ahead of everyone else!

You see, many centuries ago God employed a researcher and supplied him with all the resources necessary both materially, intellectually and spiritually to investigate the meaning of life and the purpose of the existence of humanity, under this hot and not so happy sun. Solomon’s years of investigation and experimentation, proved a useful journal of instruction and explanation, and thank God, just for us busy people, Solomon provided us with a summary of his findings, the best and most accurate of all the available information. Here it is:-

Listen: -
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
Fear God and keep His commandments,
For this is man's all.
For God will bring every work into judgment,
Including every secret thing, Whether good or evil.
Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

Pray: - Lord, help me to live rightly, daily, nightly, in the whole conclusion of this great matter. Help me to fear You and keep all Your commandments, in Jesus name I pray, amen.

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