Enhancing covenant love
Song of Solomon 7:13
The mandrakes give off a fragrance, And at our gates are pleasant fruits, All manner, new and old, Which I have laid up for you, my beloved. NKJV
We live in an age of sexual enhancement. We live in an age where Christians undergo breast augmentation surgery and theology professors take viagra. I ask you though, should the upright church, disdainful of this worlds fleeting pleasures even consider being involved in the
use of sexual enhancements?
Our text for today finds Mr. and Mrs Solomon still enraptured with one anothers love. Frankly, I find myself exhausted even in the reading of their mutual delighting of one another. Still, delight they do. Much and often. How can this be so? No really, you have to admit that this is one magnificant marathon of intimate loving! How do they do it?
Now friends, the spirtual application of Christ having at His right hand a bottomless bag of rpeapred delights which He shall give to His church for evermore is most obvious indeed, as is the necessity for the church now and in the glory to come to prove herself (and she will) a reiprocal and perpetual delight to Him. These are deep spiritual things to which the intimacy of epressed sexual love betwean the covenanted man and woman is merely a backdrop to paint these poorer pictures of all the pleasures to come. Never the less, Mr and Mrs Solomon here appear to be painting that poorer picture several times a night and three times before church on Sunday! Is this simply a peoetic allegory gone gargantian on the page, or, could there be some truth to the outowrking of this prowess, indeed, have some sexual enhancements been brought into play here?
The history of the Mandrake, in its varying composition and concentrates has shown itslef to be regarded as mythical, mystical, medicinal and even ‘magical’ in its aphrodisic and fertility propensities, providing inebriating, hypnotic, euphoric and erotic effects on the users. There are two old testament references to this particualar love and fertility enhancement; Genesis 30:14-16 and here. It would appear that in both cases that their use is factually acknowedlged and not commented upon either one way or another.
Regarding sexual enhancements, I would say this today then, that the marriage bed is holy and undefiled, and within such holy bounds, whatever happens betwean a man and his wife in all the mutual and intoxicating and intimate expressions of covenant love is just fine. Am I saying that whilst the Scriptures forbid perversions of love they acknwoledge sexual enhancements of the same? I think I am.
My friends, life under this present sun may be complicated but love is not. Love is easy to discern as is all accompanying unadulterated happiness and joy. Let your Scrupture shaped conscience and your guilt free soul be your guide then in all your convenant intimacy and enhancements of the same.
Listen:- Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge. Hebrews 13:4 NKJV
Pray: - Father, help me to be ‘grown up’ about these things. Regarding my spouse, help me to maintain my garden as a place of welcome and preapred delights. So help me God. Amen and amen.

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