Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Jan | 01 | Somewhere in time


Somewhere in time

Isaiah 1:1
The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah. NKJV

Happy New Year! 

Isaiah gives us three things in his opening verse for today. Who he is, what the prophecy is about, and very importantly, when the prophecy was delivered. Now, to do that, he references the reign of kings as his prophetic time parameters. Time, you see, is an important prophetic reference point.

Isaiah’s time referral then for his particular prophetic proclamation is the reign of Kings. This is important for understanding, for right education and for correct application. This is also important when we find utterance that seems to bear an additional reference alongside the reality of the written and time rooted proclamation, or rather, whilst showing the shadow of the historical present points to another more shape seen in the same prophetic proclamation being made. In other words, sometimes the prophetic reference point may be within the known time parameters but may also slip outside of them into other time parameters. Therefore, the true prophetic might have an immediate and a future understanding, might have both a shadow and a substance and depending on which time parameter you are referencing, then you could be dealing with either substance or shadow. Time and its reference point are important to the prophetic.

“In the beginning” indicates a start moment in time. Assuming time will have no end then, the only way to measure elapsed time, or expected time is from a reference point and that reference point must be after the beginning. There are of course countless reference points to make this measurement, but for God, both in the Gospels and in history, the none-mathematical ‘middle’ reference point in all time is the incarnation of God on earth, that is, the manifest material presence and ministry of Jesus. Thus, God in the New Testament. now reveals and declares the measurement of time to be in accordance with ‘before Christ’, and ‘after Christ’, ‘BC’ and ‘AD’. Christ is now the middle or the non-mathematical centre point, the reference point for all measurements of present time and the prophetic. For your information, another reference point has been placed for the people of God to measure from, and that is, the return of the King of Kings. For us, this time of His appearing again, except that we know it is future and except that we know this point in time travels toward us and us toward it, is fluid in our observation. Though the return of Christ most certainly has a fixed point, we do not have specific reference to what that fixed point is. It is stated and it is therefore there in a time to come, however, we do not know the when. Even so, all Christians now make their prophetic utterance in reference to the King of Kings, according to both His first and to His second appearing. This is important.

 Now, before you go out and fill your head with both Aspirin and caffeine today to maybe get your head around these opening statement about prophetic time, allow me to point to the obvious in saying that people live in time and therefore we, the ‘present’ people of God on earth, live in that eschatological tension of that time which has been referred to as, ‘the already but the not yet’. Knowing this, illuminates the clarity of where we are, and affects both what we do, and what we say in space and time. This is very important both to us and to God.

Past time cannot be changed and though the reference points on the time line cannot be erased, they can be replaced. ‘Before Christ’ can be changed to mean, ‘Before the common Era’ and at some point, even this name can be changed to try and move the middle non-mathematical reference point in history. If you manage to do this, then the Biblical and prophetic understanding of history, and all other related reference points become blurred to those who need to see.

I want you to consider today the importance of prophetic reference points in time. I want you to take time today to feel where you are in space and time and to number your days and purpose within it. I want you to consider today how the times are changing, and who is changing the prophetic temporal reference points and why? LOOK NOW! WAKEUP! Who is changing the natural laws of seasons, sex and society? Be aware and be prepared.

Listen:- He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, Shall persecute the saints of the Most High, And shall intend to change times and law. Then the saints shall be given into his hand For a time and times and half a time. Daniel 7:25 NKJV Pray: Jesus, truly You are the center of all things. Jesus, you are our redeemer and our ever certain reference point and space and time and all eternity. Jesus, truly You are the center of all things.

Pray: - Jesus, truly You are the center of all things. Jesus, you are our redeemer and our ever certain reference point and space and time and all eternity. Jesus, truly You are the center of all things.

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