Friday, January 13, 2012

Jan | 13 | God The Gazumper

Dream Word – FIGHT

1 Corinthians 6:18-20 Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's. NKJV

God The Gazumper

‘Presumed consent” in the arena of organ donation is “the right to harvest organs from the dead unless explicit instructions have been given to the contrary”. I believe this is a most personal violation of human rights, for allowing the State to decide how our dead bodies should be dealt with is just another gross raping of individual choice, another indecent and disrespect of personal decision. All the cries for the saving of people dying for lack of organs, are overshadowed by the real reason for this violation of human rights and that is, “the saving of money”. It is in economic terms, far less expensive to bung a cadaver kidney into a patient than maintain their dialysis over long periods of time. The same economic truths apply to all other patients in need of a transplant and frankly, though I am personally only in favour of informed consent, it never the less obvious that the harvesting of organs from conscripted corpses will reduce the health service medical bills by hundreds of millions of monies. Make no mistake, health is business, big business! For now money can buy life extension, health enhancement, good looks and sexuality like never before. The raw materials of fresh dead people are all around us and the technology available to utilise their quickly wasting parts, increases every single day. Our bodies it would appear are increasingly becoming a composite of artificial enhancements and other people’s parts. I wonder if both in the respect and application of governmental ‘presumed consent’, our bodies are increasingly not our own.

In Christian terms of course, this has always been the case. Our bodies our not our own but rather are the indwelling of God the Most High and consequently are sacred places. God is not the tenant, God does not pay any rent, no, God owns the whole kit and caboodle, body soul and spirit and it is we who are in effect tenants within the walls of our own bodies. God has gazumped the devil in that He has raised the price of our purchase and bought us out from under his dirty and scaly little feet and made us the most precious of purchased possessions, all shiny and new in His most glorious sight! Now the devil is not very happy about this and consequently is out for our diminishment at worse and our demolition or destruction at best. We must not help him this! No, as tenants in our own body then, we need to make sure we maintain this dwelling place of God, because in both actuality and in effect, the temple of our body, every member and every organ, every muscle tear and long black nasal hair, are not ours at all! They are His.

Now and in the future, we shall surely have to fight all the ethical battles of organ donation and body manipulation but more than anything tonight dear friends, we need to re-read the terms of our own lease once more, we need to lay down our seeming so called ownership rights once and for all time, for we are truly not our own. Let me ask you then: “are you taking care of His stuff?”

Listen:- You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men. 1 Corinthians 7:23-24 NKJV

Pray:- You have called me O Lord, bought and bagged me, right where I am. Truly then, I am not my own. Help me to take care of this body, Your most precious possession, as a temple of health where possible and a temple of holiness at all times, in Jesus name I ask it, amen!

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