Sunday, June 3, 2012

Jun | 03 | The Great British Bustard

Key Word:- BECOME

Title:- The Great British Bustard

Proverbs 18:24 A man who has friends must himself be friendly

Able to stand to the height of an adult Roe Deer, they can also be more than a metre long and weigh up to 15kg! They were last seen in Britain during the 1830’s, however, because of it’s delicious and succulent meat, it was sought after by the nation's then top chefs in such massive proportions, that the Great Bustard was hunted to extinction in that fair and sceptred isle!

At the beginning of this new century, from some 40,000 birds still left in parts of Europe, the world's heaviest flying bird, the ‘crown of British bio-diversity’ is being re-introduced to mainland Britain by the ‘British Great Bustard Group.’

So what? Well two words come to mind friends. Consume and Cultivate. You see, the problem with the Great Bustard is that they were consumed without cultivation. If you want a thing to last you need to cultivate it and remember, this applies to just about everything in life. After all, once you’ve licked your last stamp you can’t post your latest letter! See what I mean?

In so many marriages, the last stamp was licked long ago. Love has been so consumed from the now empty person, so relied on, so taken for granted, that in the end, they have no more to give. They are all loved out. The main problem is that the marriage has not been cultivated. The same problem can be manfested in any relationship and especially friendship. This lost jewel of Christian community, true soul friendship, is also a two way street you see. It too must be cultivated.

Now listen, doesn’t it follow then, that your relationship with Christ must run the same course? Be cultivated and not just not consumed? So, if your prayer life is merely a shopping list, if every time you look to heaven and all your doing is holding a card from the community chest, if all your religious activity is merely ‘covering the bases’ lest you or a loved one gets stepped on, then may I suggest, you are a consumer and not a cultivator! Change today. Get into the business of cultivation. Begin a romance, a deep friendship with Jesus. He’s been faithful. He’s stuck close when you have not. Stop just consuming and start cultivating. Turn to Him today. Court Jesus and maybe, just maybe, you might catch Him if you can!

Listen:-.there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Proverbs 18:24.

Pray:-Faithful God. Mighty Jesus. Stick closer to me than any brother, for my heart is prone to wander and fearful in its forgetfulness. Teach me how to faithfully cultivate and not just to consume. Lord, how may I cultivate our relationship then? Show me Lord please, in Your great name I pray, amen.

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