Friday, June 8, 2012

Jun | 08 | Operation Over Lord


Title:- Operation Over Lord

1 Samuel 30:17-19 Then David attacked them from twilight until the evening of the next day. Not a man of them escaped, except four hundred young men who rode on camels and fled. So David recovered all that the Amalekites had carried away, and David rescued his two wives. And nothing of theirs was lacking, either small or great, sons or daughters, spoil or anything which they had taken from them; David recovered all.

It’s about this time of year that many of us still make sure to remember the D-Day Landings in France and indeed, the ‘Longest Day’ needs to be remembered. It is a great danger for our nations to forget.

The code name for the extreme left beach of the five chosen for the Normandy invasions was ‘Sword Beach’. Occupying a five mile stretch of the French coastline, it lay nine miles north of the hub city of Caen, indeed, all major roads in this sector ran through Caen. It was a key city both to the Allies and their enemy, both for transportation and maneuver purposes.

On June 6th Ken Oakley was the seaman chosen to act as a bodyguard to the beach master (the most senior person on the beach). His role was to protect him at all times and at all costs. Some of the wounded that lay screaming around him on that day had to be ignored as he carried out his duties towards the beach master. However, Mr. Oakley does record helping one man who was downed by enemy fire: “I saw Sid.” Ken recalls, “He had taken a shell across the back. I put his kidneys back in and put a dressing on. He survived and is still around today (60 years on, 2004) and I was best man at his wedding.” Incredible!

I wonder who amongst the angels was the beach master at Bethlehem when God Himself landed on our poor, enemy infested and beleaguered shores? Michael maybe and if so, who among the angels I wonder, was His bodyguard? Oh yes, the birth at Bethlehem was a military operation, for such an invasion into enemy territory must not have occurred without some serious angelic battles. I wonder then, if that’s why shepherds saw a multitude of the heavenly host? Were they praising God in celebration of yet another battle won? After all, “The Eagle had landed!” The Gospel had arrived.
Imagine what talk goes on now I wonder amongst the angels about the day King Jesus, Lord over all, stepped out upon our bloody shores and marched headlong toward Jerusalem and hard faced into enemy territory when just like the lesser David, our King Jesus faced the fiercest foe, conquered him and bought back all!
The name of the all encompassing operation of the D-Day invasions in Europe, 1944 was “Operation Over Lord” and the key city to win on that day was Caen. I wonder if the name of God's invasion was "Operation Lord Over All" and the key city won on that day was BETHELEHEM?

Like Ken Oakley, will you be at the wedding of the wounded but redeemed? Operation "Lord Over All" was after all, a complete and utter success! All things are soon to be made ready for God’s big day and the marriage supper of the Lamb. Be sure to be there. Be sure.

Listen: - “A certain man gave a great supper and invited many, and sent his servant at supper time to say to those who were invited, 'Come, for all things are now ready.'”Luke 14:16-18

Pray: - Certain Saviour, make me ready to come to You. Amen!

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